celery juice
Home appliance / Kitchen appliance

How to Make Celery Juice Without a Juicer?

Curious about the health benefits of celery juice but discouraged by the lack of a juicer in your kitchen? You’re not alone. Many people are eager to harness the wellness perks of celery juice but find themselves without the necessary appliance. Don’t worry—making celery juice without a juicer is simpler than you might think. This guide will walk you through several effective methods, ensuring you never miss out on your daily dose of this nutritious drink. Ready to discover the secrets of creating celery juice using everyday kitchen tools? Let’s dive in!

The Health Benefits of Celery Juice

Before we get into the methods, let’s explore why celery juice has become a wellness craze.

Nutritional Value

Celery is packed with essential nutrients like vitamins A, K, and C, as well as potassium and folate. It also contains antioxidants and anti-inflammatory compounds, which help combat oxidative stress and inflammation in the body. Drinking celery juice can support digestion, boost hydration, and potentially aid in weight management.

Digestive Aid

Celery juice is often touted as a powerful digestive aid. Its high water content aids hydration, while its fiber content helps maintain regular bowel movements. The natural enzymes present in celery can also enhance nutrient absorption and support overall gut health.

celery juice

Preparing Your Celery

The first step to making celery juice without a juicer is properly preparing your celery.

Washing the Celery

Thoroughly wash the celery stalks under running water to remove any dirt or pesticides. It’s a good idea to use a vegetable brush to scrub the stalks gently. Organic celery is preferable to minimize the risk of pesticide exposure, but even organic produce should be thoroughly cleaned.

Chopping the Celery

Once washed, chop the celery into small pieces to make the blending process easier. Smaller pieces ensure a smoother blend and prevent your blender from getting clogged. Aim for pieces about one to two inches long. Don’t forget to include the leaves, as they contain additional nutrients and add flavor.

Blending Method

Using a blender is one of the easiest ways to make celery juice without a juicer.

Blending the Celery

Place the chopped celery into your blender. Add a small amount of water to help with the blending process. For a full bunch of celery, about half a cup of water should suffice. Blend on high until the mixture is smooth and there are no large chunks left. Depending on your blender’s power, this can take anywhere from 1 to 3 minutes.

Straining the Juice

Once blended, the celery mixture needs to be strained to separate the juice from the pulp. Use a fine-mesh strainer, cheesecloth, or nut milk bag for this process. Pour the blended celery through the strainer into a large bowl or jug. Use a spoon to press down on the pulp to extract as much juice as possible. Alternatively, squeeze the cheesecloth or nut milk bag to get every drop of juice.

celery juice

Food Processor Method

If you don’t have a blender, a food processor can also be used to make celery juice.

Processing the Celery

Add the chopped celery to your food processor. Unlike a blender, you don’t need to add water with a food processor. Process until the celery is finely chopped. You may need to stop and scrape down the sides of the bowl to ensure an even chop.

Extracting the Juice

Transfer the processed celery to a cheesecloth or nut milk bag. Gather the cloth or bag and squeeze over a large bowl to extract the juice. The more pressure you apply, the more juice you’ll get. This method is a bit more labor-intensive but just as effective.

Masticating Method

For those without a blender or food processor, there’s still hope using the masticating method.

Crushing the Celery

Masticating involves crushing the celery stalks manually. Use a mortar and pestle or the back of a heavy spoon to crush the chopped celery in a large, sturdy bowl. The goal is to break down the celery fibers to release the juice.

Straining the Juice

After crushing, transfer the celery pulp to a cheesecloth or nut milk bag. Squeeze the cloth or bag over a bowl to extract the juice. This method takes more time and effort but is a viable option if other appliances are unavailable.

celery juice  Enhancing the Flavor

While celery juice is nutritious, its taste might be too strong for some. Consider these tips to enhance the flavor.

Adding Lemon

A splash of fresh lemon juice can brighten the flavor of celery juice, making it more palatable. Lemon also adds additional vitamin C, boosting the nutritional profile of your drink. Simply squeeze half a lemon into your juice and stir well.

Incorporating Apple

Adding a bit of apple can sweeten your celery juice naturally. Chop a medium-sized apple and blend it with your celery pieces. Green apples are a good choice as they add a tangy sweetness that complements the celery well.

Storing and Serving Celery Juice

Proper storage and serving methods ensure you get the most out of your celery juice.

Immediate Consumption

For the highest nutritional value, it’s best to consume celery juice immediately after making it. Fresh juice retains more vitamins, enzymes, and antioxidants compared to juice that has been stored.


If you need to store your celery juice, keep it in an airtight container in the refrigerator. Consume within 24 to 48 hours for the best taste and nutritional value. Over time, exposure to air and light can degrade the juice’s nutrients.

Cleaning Up

Cleaning up is an essential yet often overlooked part of making celery juice without a juicer.

Blender and Food Processor Care

For blenders and food processors, rinse the components immediately after use to prevent celery fibers and pulp from drying and sticking. Most parts are dishwasher safe, but check your user manual for specific cleaning instructions.

Cheesecloth and Nut Milk Bag Maintenance

Rinse cheesecloth or nut milk bags thoroughly under running water. Hand wash with mild soap and let them air dry completely before storing. Proper cleaning prevents bacteria buildup and ensures your tools are ready for the next use.

Sharing with Family and Friends

Sharing the benefits of celery juice with family and friends can be a fun and health-conscious activity.

Hosting a Juice Party

Invite friends over for a juicing session where everyone can learn how to make celery juice without a juicer. Share recipes, experiment with add-ins, and enjoy a variety of healthy juices together. It’s an excellent way to promote health and wellness in your social circle.

Conclusion: Enjoying Celery Juice Without a Juicer

Making celery juice without a juicer is entirely feasible using a variety of kitchen appliances and methods. Whether you opt for a blender, food processor, or masticating approach, you can enjoy the health benefits of celery juice with minimal fuss. Enhancing the flavor with lemon or apple can make this nutritious beverage more enjoyable, while proper storage ensures you get the most out of your efforts. Embrace these techniques and savor your homemade celery juice, knowing you’re doing something beneficial for your health.

Final Thoughts

Understanding how to make celery juice without a juicer opens up new possibilities for your wellness routine. With these methods, you can easily integrate this nutrient-packed juice into your daily diet. As you experiment and find your preferred technique and flavor combinations, you’ll appreciate the simplicity and benefits of making celery juice at home. Enjoy the process and the boost to your health!