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Is there a reset button on Frigidaire dishwasher?



Resetting your Frigidaire dishwasher can help resolve various issues, restore normal operation, and eliminate any temporary malfunctions. Some models of Frigidaire dishwashers have a reset button, while others require a different method to initiate a reset. In this guide, we will explore the various ways to reset your Frigidaire dishwasher and provide step-by-step instructions for each method. By understanding the reset process, you can effectively troubleshoot and restore your dishwasher’s functionality.


Is there a reset button on Frigidaire dishwasher?

Why Reset Your Dishwasher?

1.1. Basic Troubleshooting

Resetting your Frigidaire dishwasher is an initial troubleshooting step that can address common issues, such as a program that won’t start, a cycle that won’t complete, or a control panel that is unresponsive. Resetting allows the dishwasher to recalibrate and restart its systems.


1.2. Temporary Malfunctions

Occasionally, your Frigidaire dishwasher may experience temporary malfunctions due to power surges or electrical issues. Resetting the dishwasher can resolve these temporary malfunctions and restore normal operation.


Method 1: Using the Control Panel

2.1. Start with the Dishwasher Off

Ensure that your Frigidaire dishwasher is turned off before initiating the reset process.


2.2. Locate the Cancel or Reset Button

Look for a button on the dishwasher’s control panel that is labeled “Cancel” or “Reset.” This button is usually located near other buttons or controls.


2.3. Press and Hold the Button

Press and hold the “Cancel” or “Reset” button for approximately three to five seconds.


2.4. Wait for the Reset

Keep the button pressed for a few seconds until the dishwasher’s control panel goes blank or displays the word “Idle.” This indicates that the reset process is complete.


2.5. Power On the Dishwasher

Turn on the dishwasher by pressing the power or start button. The dishwasher should now be reset and ready for use.


Method 2: Circuit Breaker Reset

3.1. Prepare for Reset

Locate your home’s electrical panel or circuit breaker box. It is usually found in a basement, utility room, or garage.


3.2. Turn Off the Dishwasher

Ensure that your Frigidaire dishwasher is turned off before proceeding with the circuit breaker reset.


3.3. Identify the Dishwasher Circuit

Locate the circuit breaker that controls the power supply to your dishwasher. Look for a label or a switch labeled “Dishwasher” or “Kitchen Appliance.”


3.4. Turn Off the Circuit Breaker

Flip the dishwasher circuit breaker to the “Off” position. Leave it in this position for at least 30 seconds to ensure a complete electrical reset.


3.5. Restore Power

After 30 seconds, flip the dishwasher circuit breaker back to the “On” position to restore power to the dishwasher.


3.6. Test the Dishwasher

Turn on the dishwasher and check if the issue has been resolved. The dishwasher should now be reset and functioning properly.


Method 3: Unplug and Plug Back In

4.1. Turn Off the Dishwasher

Ensure that the Frigidaire dishwasher is turned off before proceeding with this method.


4.2. Locate the Power Cord

Locate the power cord at the back of the dishwasher. It is typically connected to an electrical outlet behind or below the dishwasher.


4.3. Unplug the Power Cord

Gently unplug the power cord from the electrical outlet. Allow the dishwasher to remain unplugged for at least 30 seconds to ensure a complete reset.


4.4. Plug the Power Cord Back In

After 30 seconds, plug the power cord back into the electrical outlet securely.


4.5. Test the Dishwasher

Turn on the dishwasher and check if the issue has been resolved. The dishwasher should now be reset and ready for use.


When to Seek Professional Assistance

5.1. Persistent Issues

If the reset methods mentioned above do not resolve the problem or if you encounter recurring issues with your Frigidaire dishwasher, it may be time to seek professional assistance. Persistent issues could indicate underlying technical malfunctions that require expert diagnosis and repair.


5.2. Contact Frigidaire Customer Support

For further assistance, contact Frigidaire customer support. They can provide specific troubleshooting guidance or direct you to authorized service centers in your area.


Model-Specific Reset Instructions

7.1. Consult the User Manual

In addition to the general reset methods mentioned above, it is important to refer to your Frigidaire dishwasher’s user manual for model-specific reset instructions. Different dishwasher models may have unique reset procedures or specific button combinations to initiate a reset. The user manual will provide the most accurate and detailed instructions for your particular dishwasher model.


7.2. Online Resources

If you no longer have access to the user manual or cannot find it, visit the Frigidaire website or conduct an online search using your dishwasher model number. Frigidaire often provides downloadable user manuals and troubleshooting guides on their website. Online forums or communities dedicated to Frigidaire appliances may also have discussions or guides related to specific dishwasher models and their reset procedures.


Additional Tips for Troubleshooting

8.1. Patience and Persistence

During the reset process, it is important to be patient and persistent. Sometimes, it may take a few attempts or variations in the reset methods to successfully address the issue. Follow the instructions carefully and give each method sufficient time to complete the reset process.


8.2. Power Cycling

If you have attempted a specific reset method and the issue persists, try power cycling the dishwasher. This involves turning off the dishwasher, unplugging it or disconnecting it from power, waiting for a few minutes, and then plugging it back in or restoring power. Power cycling can sometimes resolve minor glitches or temporary malfunctions.


8.3. Regular Maintenance and Cleaning

To minimize the occurrence of issues and the need for frequent resets, it is important to perform regular maintenance and cleaning on your Frigidaire dishwasher. This includes removing food debris from filters, checking and cleaning spray arms, and ensuring proper drainage. Refer to your user manual for specific maintenance instructions and recommended cleaning routines.



Resetting your Frigidaire dishwasher can help resolve common issues and restore normal operation. Methods for resetting your dishwasher include using the control panel, performing a circuit breaker reset, or unplugging and plugging back in the power cord. These methods allow the dishwasher to recalibrate and restart its systems. If issues persist or recur, it may be necessary to seek professional assistance from Frigidaire customer support or authorized service centers. By following the specific instructions for your model and utilizing appropriate methods, you can successfully reset your Frigidaire dishwasher and restore its functionality.

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